Help take a stand for LIFE

You could win a 3-DAY MEXICAN CRUISE.

    Right to Life's annual "WALK FOR LIFE" is a great way to defend and protect the sanctity of human life here in the San Joaquin Valley! Last year, nearly 500 faithful pro-lifers met at Woodward Park's Mountain View Shelter to enjoy fun, food and fellowship while helping support Right to Life's education and outreach ministries.

    The two mile walk is a family friendly event and open to all ages. Plus, even if you can't join us at Woodward Park on Saturday March 19th, you can still walk on your own & gather pledges by signing up with the link above. Your online sign up makes you eligible to win several great walker prizes, whether you join us on March 19th at Woodward Park, or take a stand and walk for life on your own. Just be sure to walk on or before March 19th!

Click here to join!